Be Inspired
...by carrieannewithlove
Hello and welcome to CarrieAnneWithLove! My name is CarrieAnne and I am so thrilled to have you be a part of this experience.
This all started when I was little making small creations, and I've simply never stopped working on my craft for the past 40 years. Once, during one of my moves, I found a bin of half-finished items. I was suddenly inspired to buckle down and find a niche for myself where I could bring beautiful desired items to any and all who wanted them. Blankets. pillows, home décor, hats, even swimwear. The creations seemed endless in my mind as I continued to create new and exciting items. And now, I am so excited to pass on these inspirations to you.
There are things in life that I am quite passionate about that you will learn as my blog entries emerge. Thank you for joining me and may we grow, learn, and share together.
“A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step” - Confucius
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Collections. Surprises.
Be Inspired!
Be Inspired!
Be Inspired!
Be Inspired!
Be Inspired!

Be Inspired!